ShinKyu University is the premier online and in-person lifetime Japanese acupuncture and moxibustion mentorship for students and professional acupuncturists to learn and practice Japanese medicine. ShinKyu University was created to help acupuncturists from around the world fill the gap in their TCM knowledge and become confident in Japanese acupuncture and moxibustion.
Hours Of Content
Students Enrolled
Board Certified
Structured Videos
For far too long, learning Japanese acupuncture outside of Japan was a challenging endeavor. Geographical and language barriers prevented access for many acupuncturists looking to explore Traditional Japanese Medicine.
The inspiration for ShinKyu University came after seeing countless acupuncturists- from new graduates to tenured professionals- lacking basic, foundational, and technical skills. This becomes apparent when trying to apply needling and diagnostic palpation skills in your clinical practice.
Without strong, foundational technical skills, it’s hard to get effective and lasting results in your practice.
How much more you could learn by going into an advanced workshop with the foundational skills already in your tool bag.
How many more patients you could help with the advanced knowledge you will learn.
How much money you will save by knowing the foundations BEFORE studying with the masters.
Utilizing acupuncture and moxibustion in your clinic with confidence in application and by gaining exact results from every point, every time.
Acupuncture schools are effective at training students to pass board exams and memorize theory, but barely cover the actual techniques and applications of theory that allow students to be proficient and comfortable in a clinic setting.
I won't even get started about the lack of teaching hours dedicated to moxa or Japanese medicine... It's a gap left in the learning of many, many students.
I created the ShinKyu University program to change the way acupuncture- specifically Japanese acupuncture and moxibustion- is taught and learned worldwide.
By having access to an online program, acupuncturists like yourself can elevate and become confident in your practice, no matter where you are in the world.
Through ShinKyu University, I can help you achieve higher levels of health for your patient's, with more tailored and precise treatments.
Most acupuncturists spend decades and tens of thousands of dollars learning from high-level Japanese practitioners.
The sad part is that those acupuncturists rarely learn higher then the beginner level because the lack the foundation to propel their studies further during the workshops. Instead of noticing how a practitioner is applying the technique, most get stuck on what and how to even do the technique!
And, in creating a practice that is sustainable for you, you will be able to support and grow your physical heath, mental wellness, and financial prosperity.
A practice that is so effective, gentle, and precise that patients just can't wait to recommend you to everyone they meet. .
I believe that you and your practice deserve this same opportunity.
And while I know I can't build that for everyone, what I can do is show you how I did it and what I've learned through personal and teaching experience.
THAT is the ShinKyu University dream!
I started my acupuncture journey with only a little bit of Japanese language
skills and NO MONEY...
If I can do it, so can you.
In under 15 years, I've graduated from acupuncture school in Japan, attained dual licensure in acupuncture and moxibustion in Japan and the US.
I have hosted/translated/taught multiple successful Japanese acupuncture workshops, in North America, Israel, and Japan. I am a adjunct instructor at the local acupuncture school and have taught hundreds of students, both online and in person. I currently operate a successful acupuncture clinic that is booked out weeks in advance. My methods are practical and methodical and I strive for measured results and technical mastery in every treatment. I practice, and also encourage my students to practice, so that every needle and every cone has measured results for every patient.
My knowledge comes not only from books but from thousands of hours of hands-on learning and mentorship in Japan. But this took me 15 years to accomplish in Japan,
ShinKyu takes all of that education and brings it to your living room, so your life and practice can change, achieving higher success and more results for every treatment. It shows you how acupuncturists just out of school can have a truly extraordinary impact with Japanese acupuncture and moxibustion without protocols.
BUT, to achieve extraordinary results you will need a mentor with real-world experience and an measured, step-by-step action-oriented plan.
Through lifetime access to step-by-step tutorials, mentorship, group/one-on-one instruction, and in-person classes you can refine your style and elevate your results.
You have Arrived at the Premium Online Learning Academy for Japanese Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Japanese acupuncture and moxibustion history
Foundational Japanese acupuncture techniques, such as nenshin (drill technique) and lift and thrust technique.
Foundational Japanese acupuncture techniques, such as nenshin (drill technique) and lift and thrust technique.
Moxibustion rolling and rice grain technique for direct application.
Palpation skills: Introduction to hara diagnosis and how to cultivate palpation sensitivity.
Proper guide tube tapping for painless, gentle needle insertion.
Concept of live points, or using palpation to effectively choose and treat along the meridian.
Proper posture for career longevity.
Introduction to Iyashi No Michi style.
Shonishin or pediatric acupuncture .
What Our Members Say ❤️️
ShinKyu University welcomes practitioners of every level. From seasoned veterans to new students, everyone will benefit from the foundational skills learned in ShinKyu. Post-graduation, acupuncturists find themselves without mentors or guidance to ask the questions that come up in practice.
Books can only take you so far and often leave you with many unanswered questions and unchecked bad techniques. The result is that many acupuncturists get burned out from treating too many patients and frustrated from too many poor treatment outcomes. Oftentimes, acupuncturists will turn to weekend workshops to stay active in the community or learn new skills. The problem is that most teachers in these workshops do not teach the basics and do not have any continued follow up.
More importantly, the student doesn't have consistent access to the teacher to ask questions and receive feedback.ShinKyu is also great for students currently enrolled in TCM programs. While TCM education is extremely comprehensive for theory, it lacks technical and hands-on training.
Through ShinKyu University, you can develop your palpation and needling skills BEFORE entering into practice. This is an amazing way to feel confident and achieve the desired results in practice coming out of school.
How Do I Enroll and What's Included?
Enrollment is easy! The first step is to set up an interview to determine what ShinKyu
University can provide for you.
Contact Maya to schedule an interview today!.
Hi! I'm Maya Suzuki. Nice to meet you.
I'm glad you're here!
I have helped countless acupuncturists through mentorship and tried and true methods to get better results with every needle and cone of moxa and have confidence in their treatment approach and application.
After years of coordinating and translating for international acupuncturists learning Japanese acupuncture, I noticed a strong trend: Acupuncturists, trained outside of Japan, spend over $10,000 and decades just trying to learn Japanese style treatment.
The problem is that most never really create a strong foundation for that knowledge, and they very rarely, if ever, have a mentor to shape their learning. I started ShinKyu University to change all that, and I've distilled my approach down to this document and would like you to have it for free!
So dig in! I can't wait to hear your clinical results!
Where did I learn acupuncture?
I was very fortunate in my education. I have had excellent teachers and a community who has guided me, even before I entered acupuncture school. I still am involved with my study group in Japan, Iyashi No Michi, and have a mentor to ask questions. To repay my teachers' teachings, I have decided to fill in the gaps of the TCM education and create a lifetime mentorship and membership program called: ShinKyu University.
The first part is ShinKyu University is the fundamental course: Japanese Fundamental Acupuncture and Moxibustion Blueprint (JFAMB). This lays the groundwork for basic Japanese theory and technique. You will have full access to the foundational and skill videos that are focused on developing Japanese acupuncture needling and moxibustion techniques. The student is responsible for reviewing these videos independently.
After the JFAMB is complete, the student is invited to participate in the 5 monthly, live online study groups, where the skills are honed under the mentorship of Maya Suzuki. During these study groups, every student will demonstrate acupuncture and moxibustion techniques for constructive suggestions and helpful hints. There is an active Facebook group to post any questions. Students are encouraged to participate in this group daily with case studies, real life application, and guidance in practice.
After the fundamentals have been learned and practiced, ShinKyu University offers in-person workshops available to all participants. During these workshops, we will have the opportunity to work together in person to further enhance our skills and practice palpation, acupuncture, and moxa. The workshops will cover a variety of different topics, such as pediatrics, advanced hara diagnosis, acupuncture needle techniques, moxa application, and more. The fee and place for these workshops will be determined at the scheduling of these workshops.
Check out the schedule of current workshops on our resource page.
All information presented in this course was taught to me by my teachers in Japan. I do not own the rights to any of the techniques in this course. The presentation and methods of teaching (platform and stages of learning) were created by me.